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Coon Lake History

Love for Coon Lake runs through all aspects of its history.


“The best part of living in Coon Lake Beach is that our people are so able and willing to help one another.  We do not have a Social Service Center, we can’t get tradesmen or repairmen to come out this far, we don’t have AAA or even AA.  But we all know who’s a welder, electrician, a roofer, a mechanic and who will drive us to the doctor when we’re sick and who will watch the children while we are gone.”  That was the description the editor of the first “Beachcomber” newsletter in 1989 gave about what life was like living on Coon Lake. 

Over twenty years later Barb Bouljon wrote for the Coon Lake Improvement Association (CLIA) newsletter in 2011 “Ever since we’ve moved in, I’ve been in awe of living on Coon Lake.  It didn’t take long to realize the lake’s assets included not only the beauty and entertainment value it provides but, most importantly, the warmth and openness of all the wonderful neighbors we’ve met and the lake friends we have made.  Whether its tows back home – too numerous to mention…or heavy items being moved from our vehicle into the house after my husband’s surgery, friends and neighbors were there.”  The lake that the first editor described has become more connected – you can get pizza delivered, and also cell service in the area.  The connection to people and neighbors remains the same despite the twenty years between the recollections. 


Love for Coon Lake runs through all aspects of its history.

Coon Lake Map w bay names & CLIA TM-web address_30Jan24.png
Coon Lake Map w typical Aerator placement locations_30Jan24.png
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Coon Lake Improvement Association
PO Box 54, East Bethel, MN 55011  |

(c) Copyright 2009-2023 Coon Lake Improvement Association (CLIA)

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